Ocorreu na Unicamp no dia 24.07.2012 defesa de dissertação de mestrado do aluno Daniel Moser. Sob orientação do Prof. Carlos D’Ancona o trabalho concluiu que pacientes com bexiga disfuncionalizada sem doença urológica apresentam recuperação completa da função vesical após o transplante renal de sucessoe sugere a não obrigatoriedade da avaliação urodinâmica no pré-transplantenesse grupo de pacientes.
Prof. Leonardo Reis (Unicamp), Prof. Carlos D’Ancona (orientador e presidente da banca), Dr. Daniel Moser e Prof. William Nahas (USP)
Objetvos: Avaliar com realização do estudo urodinâmico, a recuperação da função vesical em pacientes com doença renal crônica sem causa urológica de base com longos períodos de oligúria / anúria, submetidos a transplante renal. Pacientes e Métodos: De abril de 2009 a junho de 2010, 30 pacientes apresentando oligúria / anúria, foram prospectivamente avaliados com estudo urodinâmico. Este foi realizado imediatamente antes e seis meses após o transplante renal. Os critérios de inclusão foram: idade > 18 anos, doença renal crônica sem causa urológica envolvida na sua etiologia, tempo de diálise superior a 12 meses, nome em lista de transplante com doador falecido. Foram excluídos pacientes com alteração no ultrassom de vias urinárias, uretrocistografia miccional e urianálise e com diurese residual de 24 horas superior a 1000ml. Resultados: Observou-se completa recuperação da função vesical após o retorno da diurese, no sexto mês pós-transplante, independente de haver ou não desfuncionalização vesical. As variações nos parâmetros urodinâmicos foram: primeira sensação de enchimento vesical: 88,8 para 168,7ml (p = 0.0005); primeiro desejo miccional: 137,2 para 251,1ml (p <0,0001); capacidade cistométrica máxima: 221,2 para 428,7ml (p<0,0001); complacência vesical: 73,9 para 138,6ml/cm H2O (p =0,03) e fluxo máximo: 8,1 para 15,8ml/s (p <0,0001). O número de Abrams-Griffths nos homens reduziu de 31,8 para 15,2 (p =0,002). Não se observou mudanças significativas na pressão detrusora no fluxo máximo e resíduo pós-miccional. Pacientes com diurese residual de 24 horas menor que 200ml apresentaram alterações urodinâmicas significativamente maiores antes do transplante. Conclusão: Completa recuperação da função vesical foi observada nos pacientes sem doença urológica, seis meses após o transplante renal e retorno do débito urinário.
Prof. Leonardo Reis (Unicamp), Prof. Carlos D’Ancona (orientador e presidente da banca), Dr. Prof. William Nahas (USP)
Bladder Function Evaluation Before Renal Transplantation in Nonurologic Disease: Is It Necessary?
Urology. 2014 Feb;83(2):406-10. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2013.09.015. Epub 2013 Nov 6.
To determine whether preoperative cystometry and a pressure flow study (PFS) are necessary in patients with end-stage renal disease from nonurologic causes who will undergo renal transplantation.
From April 2009 to June 2010, 30 patients scheduled to undergo renal transplantation were prospectively evaluated with cystometry and PFS. The evaluation was performed immediately before and 6 months after renal transplantation. The inclusion criteria were age >18 years and end-stage renal disease secondary to nonurologic disease.
Improvement in the cystometry and PFS parameters was observed after the return of diuresis at 6 months after transplantation. The parameter changes from baseline to the 6-month evaluation were as follows: first sensation of bladder filling, 88.8-168.7 mL (P = .0005); first desire to void, 137.2-251.1 mL (P <.0001); maximal cystometric capacity, 221.2-428.7 mL (P <.0001); bladder compliance, 73.9-138.6 mL/cm H2O (P = .03); and maximal flow rate, 8.1-15.8 mL/s (P <.0001). The Abrams-Griffiths number in the men decreased from 31.8 to 15.2 (P = .002). No significant changes were observed in the detrusor pressure at the maximal flow rate or the postvoid residual urine volume. Patients with a 24-hour urine output <200 mL tended to have had significantly worse parameters before transplantation.
Significant improvement in the cystometry and PFS parameters was observed in patients with end-stage renal disease, without urologic disease, 6 months after transplantation, and was associated with recovery of the glomerular filtration rate and urine output by the renal graft.
Progression of renal disease to end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is associated with a reduction of the glomerular filtration rate and urine output. It occurs regardless of the etiology of the primary renal failure.1 In patients receiving renal replacement therapy, the maintenance of residual diuresis is rare, and the reduction in urinary flow can produce bladder alterations, known as a defunctionalized or dysfunctional bladder (DB).
The need for analysis of bladder function in patients on the waiting list for transplantation remains controversial. Investigators' opinions diverge on whether DB should be investigated or treated before transplantation. No conclusive data are available; thus, perhaps the lack of a definition for DB has contributed to the controversy. The classification of bladder dysfunction secondary to a nonurologic or urologic etiology is the first point to be considered. Bladder dysfunction can occur as a consequence of reduced renal function resulting from nonurologic etiologies, such as diabetes, hypertension, and glomerulonephritis, or can result from alterations in the urinary tract, such as posterior urethral valves, neurogenic bladder, bladder tuberculosis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate cancer, retroperitoneal fibrosis, and urinary lithiasis. Several investigators have supported the investigation and treatment of bladder function before renal transplantation, with most of the studies including urologic etiologies.2, 3, 4, 5,6 and 7 However, although a nonurologic etiology has been the main cause of ESRD, studies analyzing the indications for bladder function investigation, the best point for evaluation, and guidelines for treatment are lacking.8 and 9
The urodynamics study has been considered the reference standard for bladder function evaluation. It includes uroflowmetry, cystometry, pressure flow study (PFS), and voiding cystourethrography. DB usually presents with changes in the cystometry and PFS parameters, such as a reduced maximal cystometric capacity, detrusor overactivity, and reduced bladder compliance.9, 10 and 11 Anecdotal reports and retrospective series have shown recovery of bladder function after an increase in the post-transplant urine output.12Serrano et al13 observed bladder function recovery during long-term follow-up in a series of patients with ESRD from urologic causes, including previous surgical urinary diversion. In 2003, Zermann et al14 suggested the importance of urodynamics study before kidney transplantation in patients with nonurologic ESRD with lower urinary tract symptoms and dysfunctional voiding. Nonetheless, no post-transplant urodynamics evaluation was performed, and some patients could not be classified as having DB because of a high urinary output.14
Therefore, we evaluated the follow-up cystometry and PFS parameters of patients with nonurologic ESRD who had undergone kidney transplantation.
Material and Methods
The Scientific Review Committee at Campinas University reviewed and approved the protocol for the present study. All participants provided written informed consent before beginning the study.
In the present case-control study, we evaluated 30 of 148 consecutive patients who had undergone kidney-deceased donor transplantation at our institution from April 2009 to June 2010. Because of difficulties related to the unpredictable interval to deceased donor transplantation and logistical issues, we could only access 63 of 148 patients before renal transplantation. Of these 63 patients, 33 were excluded, because they had not satisfied the inclusion and/or exclusion criteria.
The inclusion criteria were age >18 years, ESRD from nonurologic causes, renal replacement therapy for >12 months, and 24-hour urine output <800 mL, measured using a bladder diary. The exclusion criteria were previous urologic surgery and abnormal urinary tract ultrasound or cystourethrography findings (these examinations were mandatory for all candidates for renal transplantation at our institution).
The 30 patients had undergone cystometry and PFS immediately before and 6 months after successful renal transplantation. The group included 11 female and 19 male patients, aged 18-66 years (average 46.5). They had required dialysis for 130-168 months (average 57). The primary cause of ESRD was hypertension in 8, chronic glomerulonephritis in 8, diabetes mellitus in 6, adult polycystic kidney disease in 4, and other nonurologic etiologies in 6 (Table 1).
Table 1.
Demographic data from study patients (n = 30)
ESRD, end stage renal disease; Uri24h, 24-hour urine output.
Data in parentheses are percentages.
The data were processed using a 6-six channel urodynamic device (Uro-Master II, version 4.2, SP/BR, DynaMed, Ipswich, MA). Cystometry and PFS were done according to the good practices recommended by the International Continence Society.15Cystometry was performed with all subjects in the standing position. PFS was performed with the men standing and the women seated. Bladder filling was achieved at a rate of 20 mL/min with saline solution through an 8F urethral catheter. Intravesical pressure was assessed using a 6F urethral catheter, and the abdominal pressure was measured using a 6F catheter with a balloon attached to the tip.
The terminology used to describe the studied parameters followed the American Urological Association Guidelines for Adult Urodynamics and International Continence Society recommendations.16 and 17
The parameters assessed during cystometry were first sensation, first desire to void, maximal cystometric capacity (MCC), bladder compliance, and the presence of detrusor overactivity (DO). The parameters assessed during the PFS were maximal flow rate (Qmax), average flow rate, detrusor pressure at Qmax, and postvoid residual urine volume. In the men, the Abrams-Griffiths (AG) number was calculated. By definition, this number cannot be used with women.18
Statistical Analysis
A descriptive analysis was obtained with a frequency table of categorical variables and position and dispersion measures of numeric variables. The Wilcoxon test was used in related samples to compare variables between the 2 points (before and 6 months after renal transplantation). Spearman's correlation coefficient was applied to check the linear association among the parameters. This coefficient presents a variation ranging from −1 to 1. Values closer to the extremes indicate a positive or negative correlation, and values closer to 0 do not indicate a correlation. Statistical significance was considered at P <.05, and the statistical analysis was done using the SAS System for Windows, version 9.2 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC).
All the cystometry and PFS parameters were compared individually before and 6 months after renal transplantation. Significant improvement was seen in all the parameters, except for the detrusor pressure at Qmax and the postvoid residual urine volume, which were normal before transplantation (Table 2). The average preoperative AG number was 31.8 (the uncertain zone for obstruction). Once urinary production had begun again after transplantation, the average AG was 15.2, reaching the nonobstructed zone.
Table 2.
Cystometry and pressure flow study parameters before and after transplantation (n = 30)
AG, Abrams-Griffiths; FD, first desire to void; FS, first sensation; MCC, maximal cystometry capacity; PdetQmax, detrusor pressure at maximal flow rate; PFS, pressure flow study; PVR, postvoid residual urine volume; Qmax, maximal flow rate; Qmed, medium flow rate.
Preoperatively, 15 of 30 patients presented with DO. After transplantation, 9 of these 15 subjects (60%) had no DO and 2 (13%) had a decreased amplitude and frequency of DO. Of the remaining 4 patients, 1 (7%) had a worsened involuntary bladder contraction frequency and amplitude and 3 (20%) had no changes in their DO pattern. Finally, 3 patients, who had had no evidence of DO before transplantation, had developed involuntary bladder contractions after transplantation.
The MCC was directly proportional to the 24-hour urine output (Uri24h). However, a correlation between MCC and the duration of dialysis therapy was not observed (Fig. 1). Using this information, we divided the patients into 2 groups: group 1 with Uri24h of <200 mL (n = 14) and group 2 with Uri24h of ≥200 mL (n = 16). The preoperative parameters, including first sensation, first desire to void, compliance, and MCC, were significantly worse in group 1, indicating more intense bladder dysfunction (P <.0001; P = .01; P = .0002; and P = .03, respectively). Despite the preoperative discrepancy, both groups presented with postoperative improvement of the analyzed parameters, reaching the normal standard values ( Table 3).
Figure 1.
(A) Linear association demonstrating that maximal cystometric capacity (MCC) was directly related to 24-hour urine output (Uri24h; Spearman coefficient 0.74). (B) Correlation not demonstrated between MCC and length of dialysis therapy (Spearman correlation coefficient −0.38). (Color version available online.)
Table 3.
Mean values of cystometry and pressure flow study parameters according to 24-hour urine output before and after transplantation
Uri24h, 24-hour urine output; other abbreviations as in Table 2.
Our pretransplantation results have corroborated previous reports, which demonstrated that patients with prolonged oliguria can develop miscellaneous forms of DB, with the most common alterations associated with deterioration of the storage function of the bladder, including the first sensation, first desire to void, MCC, and DO.9, 10 and 11
Mizerski et al11 evaluated a group of 102 patients, without designating the ESRD etiology. Uroflowmetry was performed 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, and 24 weeks after renal transplantation, and a stepwise recovery of the bladder capacity was observed in the defunctionalized bladder. The period required for improvement in the bladder capacity was directly proportional to the pretransplant oliguria period. For patients who were oliguric for ≤12 months, this improvement was observed within 12 weeks after renal transplantation. However, for patients with oliguria for ≤24 months, recovery took longer, usually >24 weeks after surgery.11 These data were considered when we decided to perform the post-transplant investigation at 6 months. Our data have confirmed the conclusions from Mizerski et al11 and also incorporated new concepts of bladder function improvement after kidney transplantation.
The results of the present study have indicated that the degree of bladder deterioration is directly proportional to the residual diuresis volume, as previously suggested.9 However, this correlation was not necessarily related to the duration of the dialysis therapy, such as some other series have reported.10
Patients with ESRD and anuria have usually been included on the renal transplantation waiting list with those with DB; however, evidence of the minimum Uri24h that will lead the bladder to defunctionalization has been poor.19 Our study has shown that the cystometry and PFS parameters in the group of patients with Uri24h of ≥200 mL were similar to those of patients with a normal bladder. However, the group of patients with Uri24h <200 mL presented with worse cystometry and PFS parameters. This observation suggests that subsequent studies should use the Uri24h value of <200 mL to classify the bladder as defunctionalized.
Another point of interest regarding the DB is the difficulty in performing satisfactory ureteral implantation during renal transplantation. In 1999, Salvatierra et al20 and 21demonstrated good results with intravesical ureteral implantation in a very low capacity bladder (average 18.5 ± 13.1 mL; range 6-45). Other investigators have suggested pyeloureteral or ureteral-ureteral anastomosis using the recipient's native pelvis or ureter.22 In our study, no complications or difficulties were reported with ureteral implantation. We used an extravesical approach, according to the principles of Lich and Gregoir.23
The frequency and amplitude of DO affecting patients with ESRD before renal transplantation has varied owing to the heterogeneity of the studied groups (range 10%-100%).10 and 15 In our study, DO was identified in 50% of the patients. This DO frequency after transplantation was in accordance with previous studies reporting DO symptoms (frequency and nocturia in 54% and 60%).24 Whenever the diagnosis of postrenal transplantation DO is suspected, treatment should be implemented.
Several investigators have contraindicated surgical treatment of prostatic lower urinary tract obstruction before renal transplantation because of the high risk of bladder neck contracture as a consequence of oligoanuria.25 The most accepted strategy has been to postpone the surgical intervention immediately after renal transplantation.26 and 27 Our study findings have endorsed this strategy, because significant improvement occurred in the urinary flow (Qmax and average flow rate) and AG number after transplantation. Therefore, we suggest that lower urinary tract symptoms related to benign prostatic obstruction should be treated after diuresis recovery. Only 1 patient presented with an AG number after transplantation that was >40, suggesting benign prostatic obstruction (AG number 65). He also had moderate prostatic symptoms that were controlled with oral α-blockers.
Patients with ESRD and DB secondary to nonurologic causes experienced significant improvement in the cystometry and PFS parameters once renal function and urine output had returned after renal transplantation. Our data suggest that cystometry and PFS are unnecessary before renal transplantation in patient with ESRD of nonurologic causes. We believe that the investigation and treatment of bladder dysfunction, before renal transplantation, should be done only in patients with ESRD of urologic causes and/or previous lower urinary tract surgery.
Camila Mosci, M.D., assisted with manuscript review.
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